Tin học MOS - Phần mềm luyện thi MOS




MOS Study Guide for Microsoft Word Exam MO-100

 Microsoft Exam MO-300: Course Outline

The exam MO-100 will evaluate the candidates on the basis of below-mentioned domains

1. Manage documents (20-25%)

 Navigate within documents

  • Search for text
  • Link to locations within documents
  • Move to specific locations and objects in documents
  • Show and hide formatting symbols and hidden text

Format documents

  • Set up document pages
  • Apply style sets
  • Insert and modify headers and footers
  • Configure page background elements

Save and share documents

  • Save documents in alternative file formats
  • Modify basic document properties
  • Modify print settings
  • Share documents electronically

Inspect documents for issues

  • Locate and remove hidden properties and personal information
  • Locate and correct accessibility issues
  • Locate and correct compatibility issues

2. Insert and format text, paragraphs, and sections (20-25%)

Insert text and paragraphs

  • Find and replace text
  • Insert symbols and special characters

Format text and paragraphs

  • Apply text effects
  • Apply formatting by using Format Painter
  • Set line and paragraph spacing and indentation
  • Apply built-in styles to text
  • Clear formatting

Create and configure document sections

  • Format text in multiple columns
  • Insert page, section, and column breaks
  • Change page setup options for a section

Manage tables and lists (15-20%)

Create tables

  • Convert text to tables
  • Convert tables to text
  • Create tables by specifying rows and columns

Modify tables

  • Sort table data
  • Configure cell margins and spacing
  • Merge and split cells
  • Resize tables, rows, and columns
  • Split tables
  • Configure a repeating row header

Create and modify lists

  • Format paragraphs as numbered and bulleted lists
  • Change bullet characters and number formats
  • Define custom bullet characters and number formats
  • Increase and decrease list levels
  • Restart and continue list numbering
  • Set starting number values

3. Create and manage references (5-10%)

Create and manage reference elements

  • Insert footnotes and endnotes
  • Modify footnote and endnote properties
  • Create and modify bibliography citation sources
  • Insert citations for bibliographies

Create and manage reference tables

  • Insert tables of contents
  • Customize tables of contents
  • Insert bibliographies

4. Insert and format graphic elements (15-20%)

Insert illustrations and text boxes

  • Insert shapes
  • Insert pictures
  • Insert 3D models
  • Insert SmartArt graphics
  • Insert screenshots and screen clippings
  • Insert text boxes

Format illustrations and text boxes

  • Apply artistic effects
  • Apply picture effects and picture styles
  • Remove picture backgrounds
  • Format graphic elements
  • Format SmartArt graphics
  • Format 3D models

Add text to graphic elements

  • Add and modify text in text boxes
  • Add and modify text in shapes
  • Add and modify SmartArt graphic content

Modify graphic elements

  • Position objects
  • Wrap text around objects
  • Add alternative text to objects for accessibility

5. Manage document collaboration (5-10%)

Add and manage comments

  • Add comments
  • Review and reply to comments
  • Resolve comments
  • Delete comments

Manage change tracking

  • Track changes
  • Review tracked changes
  • Accept and reject tracked changes
  • Lock and unlock change tracking

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